About Us
Quality products & services by caring people
Our people make us unique. We employ professionals who care about customer service and also have a wide array of expertise in farming, field operations, seed conditioning, custom treating, packaging, warehousing, and distribution.
Our unwavering dedication to quality allows us to provide reliable, high-performance seeds and service and also empower our customers to achieve their goals.

Over 115 years of delivering exceptional seed products
Quality is at the core of everything we do. We are deeply committed to delivering exceptional products to our customers, and this commitment starts right at the source—our very own land and seed farmers.
We meticulously nurture each crop and utilize the best technology before and after harvest to ensure only the finest seeds make their way into our customers’ hands.
We prioritize rigorous quality control measures at every step of the production process from seed selection to final packaging.
Built on local WI land
Livingston, Wisconsin is known for its signs that welcome people to
“The good earth all around.”
This fertile soil is the foundation of our practical,
common-sense approach at Biddick, Inc.
Our land supports the growing of quality seed corn, soybeans, oats, barley, rye, wheat, popcorn, and hay, as well as a commercial cow-calf herd and feedlot.
Let us take care of the details.
Talk to our team about our customized services and how we can help you achieve your goals.